Plus/Minus Grades Included in GPA Calculation
Middle and high school students will get full credit in their GPA for the grade they earn. That will be accomplished by the scale used to calculate GPA from A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0 to the scale shown (pictured right).
“Credit/No Credit”
Final grades have the designation “credit/no credit" on report cards and transcripts on credit-bearing courses. Because GPA is calculated from semester grades, it has no effect on students.

For each semester course, credit will be awarded when the student has earned BOTH a passing GPA for the course (on the scale above) and two passing grades for the semester.

For each full-year course, credit will be awarded when the student has earned BOTH a passing GPA for the course (on the scale above) and two passing grades in the second semester.

Full-year course GPA calculation: Q1 (20%) + Q2 (20%) + Exam1 (10%) + Q3 (20%) + Q4 (20%) + Exam2 (10%).

Semester course GPA calculation: Q1 or Q3 (40%) + Q2 or Q4 (40%) + Exam (20%).

The approach has several advantages . . .
  1. Easier to understand and use than the existing criteria (fewer factors).
  2. Emphasizes academic achievement (GPA) and effort (two passing grades at the end of each course).
  3. Improves the clarity of BHS transcripts for college admissions officers.